Arthur found out that Merlin is okay and alive and yet the first thing he does is run to the trident to finish his quest. The thing that breaks my heart about this is that this one gif sums up their entire relationship throughout the show. Gwaine is apalled at how Arthur continues to treat Merlin like he’s nothing. He can’t even believe that Arthur is being serious. And then he looks to Merlin because this is the man that Gwaine has fallen in love with and all he can think is How did you choose Arthur? You’re better than him. Why can’t you see that? But Merlin on the other hand looks at Arthur with so much adoration and love. He doesn’t care about how badly Arthur treated him, he doesn’t even see it because he is so blinded by his love. And Gwaine knows he can’t point this out without losing Merlin, so instead he resorts to staying by Merlin’s side, showing him the love and compassion and friendship that he deserved because to him, Merlin is worth it