надо переделать тот пост с гифками XDDD
но какой все-таки момент
“But I was cheated by you for so long! And my heart hurts.” Zhao Yunlan leans over again and makes the face of an injured puppy.
“I will feel so upset unless I get my compensations.”
Shen Wei swallows.
“Then.” For the first time, Professor Shen looks a bit scandalised by Zhao Yunlan’s shamelessness. He has to try a few times to get the words out. “Then what can I do?”
“Promise me something…” he says. He lets Shen Wei spend a moment thinking about all the depraved things that he might ask, and how Shen Wei would be obliged by his guilt and his honour to agree
“Shen Wei, professor of Biological Engineering and the Ambassador Black of the Dixing,” he says, “please join our investigation”. Shen Wei stares at the table with no response, so Zhao Yunlan leans closer to pout, and to deliver what should be the final clincher. “For me.”
Shen Wei shudders, and puts his tea down so hard it spills. When Zhao Yunlan puts a hand on his arm, he is thrown off.
“I was joking" (с)
надо сделать гифку отсюда
и с моментом протягивания чашки. люблю его