Yukimura: Hey, how long do you think all three of us can be together like this? -- Sanada: We’ll be together forever, if that’s what you want.
Study the menu taken from the Ten Raven pub for clues.
Haddocks are Smokies.
Turnip and potatoes are Neeps and Tatties.
Oatmeal parfait is Cranachan.
Fudge is Tablet.
Buy the food delivery requested. If you need money, make more cookies.
www.gameanyone.com/video/584616 видео прох-е cool guy
Haddocks are Smokies.
Turnip and potatoes are Neeps and Tatties.
Oatmeal parfait is Cranachan.
Fudge is Tablet.
Buy the food delivery requested. If you need money, make more cookies.
www.gameanyone.com/video/584616 видео прох-е cool guy