Yukimura: Hey, how long do you think all three of us can be together like this? -- Sanada: We’ll be together forever, if that’s what you want.
o my..
that's so much better than manhua
“Y-You…you are a girl?” Fairsky stuttered and finally yelled.
I stared. What, everyone… hasn’t figured that out yet? Impossible! Do I look like that much like a boy? Even if my chest is a little on the small side… a petite figure can also be appealing, right? (c)
that's so much better than manhua
“Y-You…you are a girl?” Fairsky stuttered and finally yelled.
I stared. What, everyone… hasn’t figured that out yet? Impossible! Do I look like that much like a boy? Even if my chest is a little on the small side… a petite figure can also be appealing, right? (c)