Yukimura: Hey, how long do you think all three of us can be together like this? -- Sanada: We’ll be together forever, if that’s what you want.
пачиму я не могу так писать???
Merlin felt himself shaking as the ancient magics surged around and through him, flowing in brilliant rivers of color and light that pulsed and vibrated and sang in his blood and his bones. Within the undulating currents he saw molecules and atoms and electrons and quarks and bits of matter so small that men had not yet discovered them. (с)
Merlin felt himself shaking as the ancient magics surged around and through him, flowing in brilliant rivers of color and light that pulsed and vibrated and sang in his blood and his bones. Within the undulating currents he saw molecules and atoms and electrons and quarks and bits of matter so small that men had not yet discovered them. (с)