Yukimura: Hey, how long do you think all three of us can be together like this? -- Sanada: We’ll be together forever, if that’s what you want.
“For binding you to me. For forcing you to watch the people you love grow old and die around you, over and over, generation after generation. For making you watch the world change all around you, and you stay perfectly still, looking young but growing ancient in your heart. Eventually, after enough time passes… You’re going to despise me for it, for making you suffer through it, and I’m going to despise myself, for doing it to you-“
“Stop this-”
“It’s the truth-”
“It is not.”
“It is. I know. I’ve walked the earth for-“
“Fifteen hundred years, yes, you’ve told me, repeatedly.” (C)
“For binding you to me. For forcing you to watch the people you love grow old and die around you, over and over, generation after generation. For making you watch the world change all around you, and you stay perfectly still, looking young but growing ancient in your heart. Eventually, after enough time passes… You’re going to despise me for it, for making you suffer through it, and I’m going to despise myself, for doing it to you-“
“Stop this-”
“It’s the truth-”
“It is not.”
“It is. I know. I’ve walked the earth for-“
“Fifteen hundred years, yes, you’ve told me, repeatedly.” (C)