Yukimura: Hey, how long do you think all three of us can be together like this? -- Sanada: We’ll be together forever, if that’s what you want.
Лю! Моя душечка! За что так автор с тобой Т_Т
Коротко об отрывке из финала , который переведен ниже

ЩЦЦ: ЛБХ, я пойду за тобой куда угодно
Все: *делают вид что очень заняты и ничего не слышали *
ЛЦГ: *прыгает с крыши*

Shen QingQiu didn’t lower his voice when he said that. Other than the disciples of Cang Qiong Mountain, there were also many other cultivators who had attended the celebration there. Their five senses were keen, there was no way they didn’t hear that clearly. Simultaneously, they all pretended not to hear anything. The ones who had been looking at the fireworks pointed and gesticulated at the sky, while the ones who had been joking among themselves laughed so loud the roofs might fly off.

They were so cooperative and mindful of Cang Qiong Mountain’s face, but Liu QingGe didn’t appreciate the kindness and jumped down the roof, yelling at Shen QingQiu in exasperation, “Hey!”

@темы: система, люшень