Yukimura: Hey, how long do you think all three of us can be together like this? -- Sanada: We’ll be together forever, if that’s what you want.
Дыааааа *__*
07.06.2019 в 18:49
Пишет Ay_16r:Лю Цингэ нельзя не любить.URL записи
Такой... *sigh*
Хотя с его стороны вся ситуация присупы не то, что чистого негодования, а откровенный баттхерт должна вызывать с этими двумя. И всё же.
Both you and Luo Binghe fell into Luochuan, and it was Liu-shishu who fished both of you out.
И фудзёси на Комикете, ну ей-богу, эти Три-святых-сестрицы с Лю Минъянь.
He peered at them from the corner of his eyes a few times, only to hear the three sisters say with delicate voices, “Dear big sister, dear mistress, dear senior, can you give me an autograph?”
“We finally managed to find the author, so please let us have a keepsake.”
“Is it really out of print? There won’t be any more copies?”
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