
Yukimura: Hey, how long do you think all three of us can be together like this? -- Sanada: We’ll be together forever, if that’s what you want.
Фик реально прекрасен ахаха

“So here’s my theory,” Wei WuXian but both hands on the table, “all of us are meeting our enemies from last life.”

Xue Yang whistled, Nie HuaiSang nodded, and Meng Yao buried his face in his hands.

“Now, important question. Does any of you hate Lan Zhan?”

“No… not really.” “No.” “There’s nothing wrong with HanGuang-Jun.”

“Oh come on! Xue Yang, we totally killed you together, you must have held a grudge against him.”

“He’s boring.” (с)

СЯ, май лав *_*

19.06.2019 в 13:30

o Пресвятая.Скумбрия! o ~|~ Эйхе ~|~

19.06.2019 в 15:45

Yukimura: Hey, how long do you think all three of us can be together like this? -- Sanada: We’ll be together forever, if that’s what you want.
Мистический карась, да, очень классный фик
Погладил где мог и фиксанул что мог :vict:

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