Yukimura: Hey, how long do you think all three of us can be together like this? -- Sanada: We’ll be together forever, if that’s what you want.
Таки автор отсыпет А-сян романтики ? :heart:

Вэй Нин
Патриарх Мо

Автор остановись :lol:

"Brother Zhou, Young Brother Zhang told me that you are his master…" He suddenly stopped talking to gape at Gu Xiang who was standing behind Wen Kexing, his mouth wide open.

Gu Xiang blinked a few times for no reasons, while Cao Weining kept staring at her stupidly.

Next to him, Zhou Zishu cleared his voice. Cao Weining was pulled out of the daze and blushed deeply, stuttering, "M- Miss… Apologies, I didn't mean to be rude, really, just…"

Gu Xiang, unsure about what to make of that, felt like this young man was not quite right in the head. She saw Cao Weining abruptly took a few steps back while speaking with the smallest voice possible, "My last- last name is Cao, first name Weining, from Tai- Tai Hang, belonging to the "Wei" line of Qing Feng Sword Sect, my master is- is Qing Feng's P-Patriarch Mo Huaiyang…" (с)

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